Artículos científicos
Franzese J, Ghermandi L. 2014. Early competition between the exotic herb Rumex acetosella and two native tussock-grasses with different palatability and water stress tolerance. Journal of Arid Environments 106: 58-62. pdf
Franzese J, Ghermandi L. 2014. Seed longevity and fire: post-germination responses of an exotic herb in NW Patagonian grasslands (Argentina). Plant Species Biology 29: 202-206. pdf
Relva, MA y Nuñez, MA. 2014. Factores que facilitan y retrasan la invasión de coníferas exóticas en un bosque nativo de Nothofagus / Austrocedrus. Ecología Austral 24:145:153. pdf
Relva, MA; Castán, E. y Mazzarino, MJ. 2014. Litter and soil properties are not altered by invasive deer browsing in forests of NW Patagonia. Acta Oecologica 54:45-50, Special Issue Ecosystem Impacts of Biological Invasions. pdf