Artículos científicos
Acheritobehere L, Orellana I, Raffaele E. 2021. The vulnerability of native and invasive conifer seedlings to simulated warming in northwestern Patagonia. Austral Ecology. doi:10.1111/aec.13051. pdf
Blackhall M, Villán A, Gobbi ME. 2021. Germinación y crecimiento de Vicia magellanica: implicancias en la restauración de áreas incendiadas en la Patagonia. Ecología Austral 31: 29-42. pdf
de Paz M, Raffaele E, Gobbi ME. 2021. Outcomes of facilitative plant interactions in shrublands NW Patagonia, Argentina. Journal of Vegetation Science doi: 10.1111/jvs.13047. pdf
Pelliza YI, Fernandez A, Saiz H, Tadey M. 2021. Together we stand, divided we fall: effects of livestock grazing on vegetation patches in a desert community. J. Veg. Sci. 32, e13015. pdf
Solans M, Pelliza YI, Tadey M. 2021. Inoculation with native actinobacteria may improve desert plant growth and survival with potential use for restoration practices. Microbial Ecology 1-13. pdf