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Artículos científicos

Lescano MN, Pirk G, Di Virgilio A, Franzese J, Speziale K. 2022. Leaf-cutting ants facilitation to non-native plants is passed from one generation to the next. Plant Ecology. doi:10.1007/s11258-022-01245-6.


Ripa RR, Franzese J, Premoli A, Raffaele E. 2022. Fire-related cues improve germination and seedling vigor of the post-fire off-spring of Pinus radiata, a serotinous invader tree. New Forest.


Franzese JRaffaele E, Chiuffo MC, Blackhall M. 2022. The legacy of pine introduction threatens the fuel traits of Patagonian native forests. Biological Conservation 267: 109472.

Franzese J, di Virgilio A, Pirk G, Lescano MN, Speziale KL. 2022. Low biotic resistance to cheatgrass invasion in Patagonia: evidence from competition experiments. Biological Invasions. 10.1007/s10530-021-02633-1. pdf

Gowda JH, Blackhall M, Shipley L, Kitzberger T, Tiribelli F. 2022. Are digestibility and flammability related? Two variables shaping landscape dynamics of Northwestern Patagonian forests. Forest Ecology and Management 503: 119810.

Pelliza Y. Ivón, Souto C.P., Tadey M. 2022. ¿Afecta el ganado doméstico a la biomasa y la fecundidad de distintos tipos sucesionales de especies en el Monte Patagónico? Ecologia Austral 32:453-468.

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